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The recommended practice is intended to determine what, if any, extensions are needed so that these DRELs can meet the identified requirements. Before this document is submitted for IEEE approval, it must go through a balloting process in which experts vote on, comment on and suggest changes to the document. The document is revised in response to comments and cannot go forward if it receives less than 75% approval. The LTSC welcomes and encourages participation in this ballot by any individuals who use, produce, regulate or have an interest in technologies that might implement rights expression languages and that are used in learning, education or training. Such participation helps ensure that IEEE learning technology standards are technically sound and meet the diverse needs of those who are affected by them. If you are interested in participating, please send email to the LTSC Chair Robby Robson,  HYPERLINK "mailto:robby@computer.org" robby@computer.org and to the Chair of the Working Group that produced the standard Magda Mourad,  HYPERLINK "mailto:magdam@us.ibm.com" magdam@us.ibm.com As with many things in the standards world, the process can seem complex at first but is easy once you have been through it. The working group chair and LTSC officers will take you through the steps and answer your questions. Information the IEEE Standards Association and its ballot process (called sponsor balloting in IEEE-speak) is available at ( HYPERLINK "http://standards.ieee.org" http://standards.ieee.org). For more information, see  HYPERLINK "http://ieeeltsc.org/DREL/Balloting" http://ieeeltsc.org/DREL/Balloting.  In IEEE parlance, a standard is a recommended practice if it contains relatively little normative language. It tends to say what should be done rather than what shall be done. The process involved in approving an IEEE recommended practice is identical with that of approving an IEEE standard.     " 8 9 S g h i j u J  G H n o p  { AGegu h5\hhWhQR5\hhWhhW5\hQRh8>hfbhj82 hP|6] hChOe. hChCjhOe.0JU hC6]hChOe.6]hChP|h]hOe.7o p fgAB_$a$gdgdOe.gdOe.gdP|_uv,-.?@B$789[񮪮zvkzbh %h$)0Jjyh$)Uh$)jh$)Uhkh %hfb0JjhfbUhfbjhfbUhQRhhWh!jhhWhQR5U\ h5\hhWhQR0J5\!jhhWhQR5U\hhWhQR5\jhhWhQR5U\&[\]^_`jh#Uh# hChP| hP|6]hP|jhP|0JU hfbhOe.h$)hjh$)UgdOe.9 0&P1h:p< / =!"#$% DyK robby@computer.orgyK 4mailto:robby@computer.orgDyK magdam@us.ibm.comyK 2mailto:magdam@us.ibm.comDyK http://standards.ieee.orgyK 6http://standards.ieee.org/DyK #http://ieeeltsc.org/DREL/BallotingyK Fhttp://ieeeltsc.org/DREL/BallotingD@D  6NormalCJ_HaJmH nHsH tHR@R Oe. Heading 1$@&5CJKH OJQJ\^JaJTT  6 Heading 2$@& 56CJOJQJ\]^JaJ>@> Oe. Heading 3@& >*CJaJDA@D  6Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k( 6No List J>J ygTitle $@&a$5CJ KHOJQJ\aJ >@> Oe. 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