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PAR approved for Reusable Competency Definitions (WG20 - P1484.20.1)

by dray last modified 2007-04-05 18:29

The IEEE-SA Standards Board has approved the revised project approval request (PAR) for P1484.20.1 - Standard for Learning Technology - Standard for Reusable Competency Definitions. The previous PAR was withdrawn to allow revision of the scope and purpose, along with renumbering of the standard project to reflect that this is only one of several possible technical standards for competency data and services. ~~ Face to face meeting in Orlando, Florida on October 30, 2005

A copy of the approval letter, which includes the approved PAR, can be found on the IEEE website.

Now that the revised project has been approved, the time is coming for the participants involved in the development of this project to be counted. A roster of participants must be submitted by mid-December to the IEEE Standards Department. Participation in the working group may be a different levels, from just reviewing materials, to contributing requirements and use cases, to actively contributing to the editorial process and technical validation of the standard. See for more information about the working group and how to join.

The working group will have a face to face meeting during the LTSC meeting in Orlando, Florida on October 29 and 30. See here for more information.

The current working plan for the P1484.20.1 project is to use the existing draft, replace the scope and purpose sections of the draft and verify that the rest of the document matches the restated scope and purpose. This should not take more than a few weeks, and should have been completed by the time the working group meets face to face in Orlando. The document will then be submitted for a technical edit review by the IEEE staff. During this review, an invitation to join the balloting group for this standard will be sent to the members of the IEEE balloting pool. The balloting process can then begin in earnest.

Concurrently with this work, the working group will study the feasibility and requirements for additional related standards. The Orlando meeting will be an opportunity for this discussion, which should result in action items, as well as an opportunity to gather requirements and pragmatic insights from the participants of the Learning 2005 conference.

Contact: Claude Ostyn, LTSC WG20 Chair Email: Claude at Ostyn dot com.