Collaborating Organizations
last modified
2007-04-08 09:08
Links to liaisons and related organzations.
IEEE LTSC has the following parent organizations:
- IEEE Computer Society and more specifically IEEE Computer Society Standards Activity Board
- IEEE Standards Association
- IEEE Presidents' Change the World
IEEE LTSC has formal and informal collaborations with:
- Advanced Distributed Learning initiative
- Advanced Learning Infrastructure Initiative (Japan)
- ARIADNE Foundation
- Aviation Industry CBT Committee
- Center for Learning Technology Interoperability Standards
- CEN/ISSS Learning Technology Workshop (Liaison)
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- Education Network Australia
- IMS Global Learning Consortium (Liason)
- ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 - Moving Pictures Expert Group (MPEG) (Category C Liaison)
- ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 - Standards for Learning, Education and Trainging (Category A Liaison)
- The Learning Technology Standards Observatory