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by IEEE LTSC — last modified 2007-11-06 00:31 Copyright 2006

IEEE Standard for Learning Technology—Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Binding for Data Model for Content Object Communication

IEEE Product No.: STDPD95509 (Print)/ STD95509 (PDF)
List Price: $85.00 (Print)/ $70.00 (PDF)
IEEE Member Price: $70.00 (Print)/ $55.00 (PDF)
Product Size: 8.5 X 11
ISBN: 0-7381-4878-4 (Print)/0-7381-4879-2 (PDF)
IEEE Standard No.: 1484.11.3-2005

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This Standard specifies a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Extensible Markup Language (XML) binding of the data model defined in IEEE 1484.11.1–2004, "IEEE Standard for Learning Technology – Data Model for Content Object Communication." The purpose of this Standard is to allow the creation of IEEE 1418.11.1–2004 data-model instances in XML. This Standard uses the W3C XML Schema definition lan-guage as the encoding. This allows for interoperability and the exchange of data-model instances between various systems.

Keywords: content object, Content Object Communication Data Model, IEEE 1484.11.1–2004, Extensible Markup Language, XML, XML binding, XML data instance, XML Schema definition, W3C XML Schema definition language

Copyright 2006, IEEE. Cite/attribute Resource. LTSC, I. (2007, March 15). 1484.11.3-2005. Retrieved December 26, 2008, from IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Web site: All Rights Reserved.