last edited 1 year ago by willem
The purpose of this wiki is to collect issues and problems with LOM (the Learning Object Metadata standard).Currently, we are collecting such issues. At the May IEEE LTSC meeting, on May 16-17, we will have an opportunity to further discuss and build consensus around these issues.
The overall approach is to "fix" what is "broken" in a "maintenance release" or "corrigendum". What can be "improved", "added", etc. will be discussed, but will probably not make it into a "maintenance release". Rather, the "next generation version" of LOM would probably be scheduled for 2007 or 2008. A migration path from LOM-2002 to LOM-2008 will be essential.
Issues we are considering for the "maintenance release"or "corrigendum" include:- Page 8: Change the order of 1.1 Identifier from "unspecified" to "unordered".
- Page 12: Change the order of 3.1 Identifier from "unspecified" to "unordered".
- Page 15: Change the order of 5 Educational from "unspecified" to "unordered".
- Page 18: Change the order of 5.5 Intended End User Role from "" to "ordered".
- Page 20: Change the order of 7.2.1 Identifier from "unspecified" to "unordered".
- Page 20: Change the order of 7.2.2 Description from "unspecified" to "unordered".
- Is the syntax, YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss[.s[TZD]]]]]]], found in Annex C incorrect? A question came in to ADL about the [.s[TZD]]]]]]] portion: Should [.s[TZD]]]]]]] be [.s][TZD]]]]]? The question, or interpretation of this, from the submitter, is that the current syntax states that the millisecond portion is required if a time zone designator is used. They are asking if #2 should be the real. The error is in the specification of the optional TZD. As specified, it states that if seconds are provided a TZD value is required, and that no TZD value can be used unless seconds are specified. Should the correct pattern be:YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss[.s]]][TZD]]]] which specifies that if a Time value is provided, and only in that case, a TZD value is optional, regardless of how finely the time is specified. With this pattern, for example, 2005-03-19T22Z is valid, and 2005-03-19T22:01:23.20 is also valid.
Next Generation
Issues are being collected for the "next generation release. Currently, the list includes:* Convergence of Dublin Core, MPEG, LOM and other metadata through the Semantic Web.