Reusable Competency Definitions (P1484.20.1)
Up one levelInformation, documents and and work area for the P1484.20.1 standard project: Learning Technology - Reusable Competency Definitions
P1484.20.1 Draft 3
- P1484.20.1 Draft Standard for Learning Technology -- Standard for Reusable Competency Definitions, draft 3. This is the draft submitted to the IEEE staff to begin the formal balloting process. It incorporates minor fixes to resolve comments raised in the Working Group vote to go ballot. NOTE: If you are using an older version of Acrobat Reader, you may need to update to view this document
P1484.20.1 Private Documents
- Documents that are private to the P1484.20.1 Working Group members. This folder is invisible to site visitors without a proper login. Any WG20 member should have access to this folder. If you cannot get access and you are a WG20 member, please contact the webmaster.
P1484.20.1 WG Wiki Front Page
- This wiki is for discussion of P484.20.1 draft and process issues. Only members of the .20 Working Group are allowed to post on this wiki. Messages should also be posted on the LTSC-COMPETENCY email ...
P1484.20.1 Documents wiki
- Issues that have no place in the Issues Resolution spreadsheet, and discussion of supporting or associated documents.
P1484.20.1 RCD FAQ wiki
- Terse questions please. If you don't the answer, just type "tbd" as a placeholder for the answer.
deleted wiki pages