Simulation Interface Standards (Study Group)
Joint Activity with SISO SAC. This study group will evaluate the rapidly changing instructional standards and simulation standards environment and to look at whether additional standards are appropriate and feasible for interfacing instructional systems with simulation systems. In particular, the study group will evaluate existing and emerging standards for distributed training (to include IEEE 1484.12 Learning Object Metadata, SCORM 2004 and emerging extensions to SCORM such as Sharable State Persistence, and related IMS standards) and existing and emerging standards for simulation (to include IEEE 1516 (High Level Architecture) and IEEE 1278.1 (Distributed Interactive Simulations). It will determine whether interface standards can help to facilitate the instructional aspects of simulations both by shaping the learner’s experience in the simulation to achieve instructional goals and to extract appropriate instructional assessment data from the simulations.
The study group chair is Geoffrey Frank ( Katherine Morse ( is the contact for
SISO SAC. If you are interested in participating, please send email to
Geoffrey or to
An initial meeting took place February 2 - 3 in San Diego, California, in conjunction with an AICC meeting. A call for position papers was issued for that meeting. The position papers and presentations from February, 2006 are posted.
NEXT FACE-TO-FACE MEETING: Wednesday, April 5, Huntsville, Alabama in conjunction with SISO Simulation Interoperability Workshop.